News & Updates 

Happy Independence to all Jamaicans both domestic and abroad. There is hope for a brighter future, but not under the Andrew Holness administration.

Latest News & Updates

This website is currently undergoing maintenance while it is published. We have a right to edit and make changes as needed. Thank you for your support. We look forward in working with you. 


Note: Our Manifesto and Constitution are completed but will not be published at this time until we begin our campaign due to the fact that the JLP and PNP are known to steal other third-party ideas. Thank you for your understanding.

Combatting Crime and Corruption

Could it be that the pearl of the Caribbean, Jamaica, is losing its lustre due to the festering issues of crime and corruption? Let's delve into this pressing issue and unmask the truth beneath the surface. Our journey begins in the year nineteen sixty-two, the year of Jamaica's independence. A time of joy, hope, and anticipation. But as the years rolled by, a dark shadow began to creep over the island. By the time the Vietnam War ended in nineteen seventy-five, the United States had lost over fifty-eight thousand soldiers. Still, Jamaica was grappling with a growing issue - a murder tally that would eventually surpass forty-three thousand since its independence. At DIGOJAM, we are dedicated to fighting against the high crime rates and corruption that plague our nation. We will work tirelessly to pass laws for stronger law enforcement, government accountability, and policies that prioritize the safety and well-being of all citizens.

It's not just guns and bullets that make a criminal

It's not guns and bullets that make a criminal. It's corruption, hidden behind a politician's smile. Entering politics poor and exiting wealthy, with nothing but a meager salary to account for it. Imagine, a politician who tells you when they've hit the jackpot, or a government that empowers the Integrity Commission to reveal the truth. But alas, such dreams are stifled under the current administration. The same folks who voted them in, are now trying to retract their support. But the opposition? They're as weak as the ruling party. Jamaica's last hope? DIDGOJAM. As Psalm twelve verse five states, "For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him." Let's leave behind the die-hard mentality of the JLP and PNP. Vote for change. The JLP and PNP might feed you for a day or two, but DIDGOJAM promises a lifetime under Social Services. A true leader ensures safety, food, water, electricity, and shelter for all. Under DIDGOJAM, homelessness will be a thing of the past. Your vote matters. Vote for DIDGOJAM in the upcoming General Election.

Volunteer Spotlight

We want to shine a spotlight on the amazing volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to supporting our mission. From organizing events to spreading awareness, our volunteers are the backbone of our movement for change.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for exciting upcoming events, including rallies, workshops, and advocacy programs. Join us in making your voice heard and being a part of the positive change we are striving for in Jamaica.

Supporting Positive Changes

We are grateful for the unwavering support we receive from individuals who are committed to seeing a better Jamaica. Your donations help fund our voter empowerment and policy advocacy programs, and your participation in events makes a meaningful impact. At moment, we are not accepting any donations until we are fully registered.

Get Involved

Join us in the fight for a better Jamaica. Together, we can make a difference.