About Us

The Democratic Independent Government of Jamaica (DIGOJAM) is a new political party organization dedicated to promoting democracy, transparency, and positive change in Jamaica. Our team is committed to ensuring a fair and accountable government for all citizens.

We believe that Jamaica deserves a government that prioritizes the needs and interests of the people above all else. Our platform includes comprehensive plans to improve education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic opportunities for all Jamaicans.

At DIGOJAM, we value integrity, honesty, and inclusivity in all aspects of governance. We are dedicated to involving the voices and opinions of all citizens in decision-making processes, and we are committed to upholding the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

We invite all Jamaicans who are passionate about creating a better future for our country to join us in our mission. Together, we can build a Jamaica that works for everyone, where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Join us today and let's make a positive change together.

At DIGOJAM, we have the people's best interest at heart. Our basic obligation is to keep the people safe from harm, protect our borders, and provide the basic necessities of life, such as food, water, electricity, and shelter. At DIGOJAM, we are resolutely committed to ensuring the well-being and security of all citizens and visitors to our Island. We firmly uphold the principles of justice, equality, and compassion in all our actions. Our foremost responsibility is to serve and protect, a duty we approach with the highest degree of seriousness. We remain devoted to diligently cultivating a safe and thriving environment for all residents and visitors.


The Democratic Independent Government Of Jamaica (DIGOJAM): A Mission to Uphold Democracy, Protect Human Rights, and Serve the People.

As the democratically elected government of the independent nation of Jamaica, the Democratic Independent Government Of Jamaica (DIGOJAM) is committed to upholding the highest principles of good governance and ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all Jamaican citizens. Our mission is rooted in the unwavering belief that a truly free and just society can only be built upon a foundation of democratic values, the rule of law, and the protection of fundamental human rights.

At the core of our mandate is the solemn duty to safeguard the democratic institutions that empower the Jamaican people to freely choose their leaders and hold them accountable. We will steadfastly defend the principles of majority rule and minority rights, ensuring that the will of the people is always respected, and that no individual or group is marginalized or disenfranchised. Transparency and anti-corruption measures will be the hallmarks of our administration, as we work tirelessly to root out any abuse of power or misuse of public funds.

Equally paramount is our commitment to protecting the human rights and civil liberties of all Jamaicans. We will uphold the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion, while also ensuring that every citizen is treated with dignity and equality before the law. Our government will be responsive to the needs of the people, actively seeking their input and participation in the decision-making process, and pursuing policies that promote social and economic inclusion.

In the face of persistent challenges, such as crime and national security threats, DIGOJAM will employ a comprehensive, multifaceted approach that combines robust law enforcement, community-based initiatives, and targeted social interventions. We will work tirelessly to create an environment where all Jamaicans can live, work, and thrive without fear of harm or oppression.

Underpinning our mission is an unwavering belief in the power of civic engagement and the collective responsibility of all citizens to contribute to the betterment of our nation. Through fostering a culture of civility, respect, and active participation, we aim to cultivate a society where the pursuit of happiness and the common good are the guiding principles that unite us.

As we embark on this journey, DIGOJAM pledges to be a government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people – one that will relentlessly champion the democratic ideals that have always defined the Jamaican spirit.



Vision for a Brighter Future: The Democratic Independent Government Of Jamaica's Plan to Restore Hope and Rebuild the Nation.

Jamaica stands at a crossroads, its democracy in peril and its people yearning for a brighter tomorrow. The Democratic Independent Government Of Jamaica (DIGOJAM) has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering a bold vision to tackle the country's most pressing challenges and fulfill the rightful aspirations of the Jamaican people.

In the face of rampant corruption and spiraling crime rates that have eroded the public's trust, DIGOJAM is committed to restoring the rule of law and protecting the lives and livelihoods of all citizens. We recognize that a strong, transparent government is the foundation upon which a prosperous nation is built. That is why we pledge to root out the cancer of corruption that has infiltrated the highest levels of power, holding those in office accountable to the people they serve.

Equally urgent is the need to revive Jamaica's ailing economy and crumbling infrastructure. DIGOJAM will implement a comprehensive plan to stimulate growth, create jobs, and rebuild the country's roads, bridges, and public services. By ensuring fiscal responsibility and prudent management of public funds, we will lay the groundwork for long-term economic stability and security for all Jamaicans.

Underpinning our vision is an unwavering commitment to the principles of freedom, liberty, and self-determination. We will safeguard the fundamental rights and civil liberties enshrined in Jamaica's constitution, empowering the people to shape their own destiny. Through open and transparent governance, we will foster a culture of civic engagement and participatory democracy, giving every citizen a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

To achieve this transformative change, DIGOJAM will draw upon the collective wisdom and talents of the Jamaican people. We will assemble a diverse team of experienced leaders, subject matter experts, and grassroots advocates, united in their passion for nation-building. Together, we will formulate bold, innovative strategies to address the root causes of Jamaica's challenges and lay the foundation for a prosperous, equitable, and harmonious future.


Our Philosophy

Is to weed out crime and corruption, invest in our people, prevent discrimination and exploitation of our people, free market and free trade, job creation, restructure & improve our education & healthcare system, build infrastructure and fix all roads and bridges, overhaul the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Judicial System, restore the fundamental God given rights to the people, restore socio-economic rights of the people to the basic necessities of life, proper healthcare, proper housing, survey and erect drainage system in all flood areas across Jamaica, implement public waste bin and have policies in place to keep our nation clean, also looking forward to vacate from the Monarchy to make our nation a “Constitutional Republic” and return Jamaica to normality.


Current Initiatives and Services

We are currently working on voter education and policy advocacy programs. We will be transparent in every single thing that we do with open access for the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). We will restore hope in the nation and the integrity commission powers to fight corruption will be restored.


A brief message from the President and Founder speaks to the inspiring commitment as a basic obligation to protect our democracy, protect the citizens, and to fight crime by any and all available means.


Support Our Cause

You can support the cause by raising awareness, volunteering your services, registering to vote, and joining our party to become a member.

Join the Movement for Change

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in our mission to promote democracy and positive change in Jamaica.